Acupuncture Works

Call to book your appointment today
(705) 878-5054

Or book online here!

We're located at  
68 McLaughlin rd. Unit 2 Lindsay, ON. K9V 6B5

Matthew Colavecchia - Acupuncturist

Matthew Colavecchia - Acupuncturist

Let's Start a Conversation...

Sure we'll start with your symptoms
but we'll also chat about your life,
what you've already tried and where you're feeling frustrated.


Because at Acupuncture Works in Lindsay you're more than just your symptoms.

And we want to help you get back to cheering rink-side for your rising star,
missing fewer days at work
or having so much energy you can rake your leaves and your neighbours.

Contact us today to book your first acupuncture, massage or chiropractic appointment.

Maybe we’ve already answered most of your questions and you’re ready for your first appointment! If so, click here and enter our online booking program and find yourself an open slot with the practitioner of your choice:

You can always phone us at (705) 878-5054

Fax: (705)878-5224


Hours of Operation are based on the individual practitioner.  Please contact us for further details.

Acupuncture Works 68 McLaughlin rd. Unit 2 Lindsay, ON. K9V 6B5(705)878-5054 Privacy Policy